Welcome to the evalink certification program

Embark on a journey of growth and career development with evalink's certification program - made for all users.

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alarm operator evalink certificate program

Alarm operator

8 hours • Knowledge-based certification for the understanding of evalink alarm management commands.

SOC Alarm Operator

  • evalink structural organization
  • evalink UI
  • Handling alarms
  • Understand Technical messages
  • Statuses and Rules
  • Taking calls in evalink
  • Work with Jobs
  • Work with Notes
  • Work with Files
  • Work with Schedules and O/C Rules
evalink certification technical operator

Technical Operator

8 hours • Knowledge-based certification for the understanding of evalink Technical alarm management.

SOC Technical Operator

  • evalink structural organization
  • evalink UI
  • Work with Jobs
  • Support Installers
  • Understand Alarm Definitions
  • Investigate connection issues
  • Manage Sites Configuration
  • Manage Test Modes
Shift manager evalink certificate program

Shift Manager

8 hours • Certifications that validate advanced skills and knowledge required to create and manage workflows.

General evalink knowledge

  • evalink structural organization
  • evalink UI
  • Manage alarms assignment
  • Re-assigning workflows
  • Manage shift hand-over
  • Monitor shift performance
  • Statuses and Rules
  • Manage Jobs
  • Manage Notes
  • Managing Files
  • Manage Schedules & O/C Rules
  • Audit Logs

SOC Shift Managing & Administration of Workflows

  • Creating, testing, and managing Workflows & Workflow Templates
  • Deep understanding of alarm prioritization, matching, etc.
  • Understand the execution hierarchy of workflows (levels, parallel, background)
  • Manage alarm and workflow-related settings
  • Manage Alarm Definitions
  • Predefined Text Blocks
Technical Operator Manager evalink certificate program

Technical Operator Manager

8 hours • Role-based certifications that showcase your knowledge on evalink.

General evalink knowledge

  • evalink structural organization
  • evalink UI
  • Manage alarms assignment
  • Re-assigning workflows
  • Statuses and Rules
  • Work with Jobs
  • Work with Notes
  • Work with Files
  • Understand Schedules & O/C Rules
  • Audit Logs

SOC Technical Operator

  • Understand the Receivers' connection details
  • Manage Virtual Receivers
  • Understand SLA and SLA Templates
  • Troubleshoot common SLA-related issues
  • Investigate connection issues
  • Manage Alarm Definitions
  • Support installers
SOC Administrator evalink certificate program

SOC Administrator

8 hours • Certify your advanced skills in managing an evalink talos tenant, encompassing Workflow creation and monitoring its security.

Workflow Administration

  • Creating, testing, and managing Workflows & Workflow Templates
  • Deep understanding of alarm prioritizations, matching, etc
  • Understand the execution hierarchy of workflows
  • Managing Alarm Definitions
  • Manage alarm and workflow-related settings
  • Understands & manages text blocks
  • Deep understanding of Pebble
  • Understands parallel and background execution

Reporting, Analytics & API usage

  • Creates and manages reports
  • Has a deep understanding of reports, report templates, and report-related settings
  • Creates and manages Grafana Dashboards
  • Understanding the evalink data model
  • Uses evalink Insights to generate queries for Analytics or to fetch data
  • Understand how to use the evalink API
  • Deep understanding of Pebble

General administration & account security

  • User and roles management
  • 2FA, IP Whitelisting, Partner Login
  • Audit Logs
  • Understands Sessions and related warnings
  • Understand general error messages

Why certify with evalink?

  • Recognition
    Demonstrate your skills and dedication, standing out among your peers and potential employers.
  • Community
    Join our thriving community of certified users, where knowledge-sharing and collaboration thrive.
  • Career Advancement
    Boost your career prospects and open doors to exciting opportunities.